

縱向挑戰? 討厭坐在方向盤後面,不得不伸長脖子才能看到? 你沒有問題,但你的車有問題。 可能是時候進行交易並利用最好的……

縱向挑戰? 討厭坐在方向盤後面,不得不伸長脖子才能看到? 你沒有問題,但你的車有問題。 如果您的身高低於平均水平,可能是時候進行交易並利用最好的二手車購買了。 以下是市場上的一些可用型號。

  • 2014本田雅閣: Sure, the Accord is a sedan, but it’s compact enough that you can easily see out even if you’re shorter than average. There’s also plenty of space inside for other passengers, and it manages to deliver 24/34 mpg as well (the four-cylinder engine).

  • 2013起亞Soul: The Soul is a funky little compact SUV that nevertheless offers a lot of perks for shorter than average drivers. Visibility is very good from all angles. It also offers 25/30 mpg. Of course, the style is also very distinctive.

  • 馬自達 2013 3 年: It’s really all about visibility with the 2013 Mazda3. The front windshield is large, and the sloped body construction means that it’s very easy to see out of for shorter drivers. It also manages to deliver respectable fuel economy, with 29/40 mpg.

  • 寶馬 2014 3 系: If you’ve got the cash to spend, then the BMW 3-Series has what you need as a shorter driver. The seats are height adjustable, and the car offers very good visibility in the front, rear and to each side. It doesn’t hurt that it’s also a beautiful machine, and the gas mileage tops off at 24/36 mpg.

  • 2014斯巴魯森林人: The Forester is a great all around car, and it’s also a good choice for shorter drivers. All of the windows are large, and visibility is excellent. The interior is also roomy and the car manages to deliver 22/29 mpg (you can get 24/32 if you opt for the automatic transmission, however).

在購買更適合矮於平均水平的司機的汽車時,請記住適合一個司機的並不適合其他人。 兩個身高 5 英尺 5 英寸的人可能會根據他們軀幹的長度而擁有非常不同的有利位置。 最好的選擇始終是比較幾種不同的模型,以找到一種提供您需要的高度的高度,您可以安全地從所有窗戶看到外面,同時可以毫不費力地到達踏板。
